HALFBLK | Matala® Low Density Black Matala | 24″ x 39″ x 1.5″ Inch
The Black Matala can be used as a support grate for other layers of media due to its very sturdy and open design. The Black Matala is used widely as a large particle size solids filter. A single layer 1.5 inch thick can filter out things like leaves, large clumps of algae, cigarette butts, seed pods, etc. However, if you use multiple layers it can really filter out some smaller particles like medium size koi pellets, small bits of algae, tiny leaves and plant debris, etc.
Black Bio-Filtration Media designed for Aquaculture, Koi Ponds and Water Treatment | Provides solids and biological filtration | Rigid, Reliable and Eco-friendly | Traps large size particles
A single layer can filter out objects such as: leaves, rocks, clumps of algae, seed pods, fish food pellets, plant debris, cigarette butts, plastics debris and more…
High Efficiency Bio-filtration Media designed for aquaculture, koi ponds and wastewater treatment. The Black Matala filter media is widely used for large size particles. Provides solids filtration & biological filtration.
Easy to cut into any shape | Easy cleaning, simply spray them with a garden hose and the dirt falls off very easily | Rigid but still flexible, Matala media maintains its shape when water pressure is applied.
In a settling chamber a single layer of Black will slow down and trap large particles and hair algae. Each additional layer you add will trap a smaller and smaller particle without clogging. The bacteria growing on these strands form thick biofilms in an oxygenated environment with even flow distribution.
Black Matala is available in full sheets, 48″ x 39″ x 1.5″ or half sheets, 24″ x 39″ x 1.5″. Full sheets of Black Matala cannot be folded for shipping. Full sheets of Black Matala must ship by truck. Half sheet sizes can ship up to 10 per box by UPS.